MS of Healthcare Administration Degrees

A Master of Science in Healthcare Administration is best for a mid-career healthcare worker or administrator who wants to pursue a particular specialty. Some experience or training in healthcare administration is necessary to succeed in earning this degree.

My Degree and What It’s Good For

An MS in Healthcare Administration can help health workers hone their administrative skills to show prospective employers that they can manage the increasing complexity of medical facilities and their administrative requirements. Standard courses when pursuing this degree will include basic and advanced accounting, personnel management, and even fund-raising or donor communication skills. Hospitals and medical facilities, especially those associated with research universities, have a database of donors that support various parts of the organization. Somebody manages the relationships with those donors, and it is important that this manager have a strong grasp of both the business and social side and the scientific-medical side of the facility.

My Earning Power

The average salaries of healthcare administrators are already quite good, and getting an MS in the subject is likely to make an individual more desirable to hire than other, less qualified candidates. The Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes salary data for major occupations, including that of healthcare administration workers. As of May, 2011, The BLS says that the mean salary for healthcare administrators is $90,030.

Online MHA Degree and Other Health Programs

A Master of Health Administration (MHA) degree can lead to careers in hospital administration, health insurance administration, health care policy making, and much more. Each of the following schools offers a master's degree program in health care.

Kaplan University
MS: Health Mgmt
MBA: Health Mgmt

Kaplan University -- Kaplan University's MS in Healthcare Management and MBA in Healthcare Management programs are designed to educate the next generation of healthcare leaders. A world-renowned faculty successfully graduates dedicated individuals that find jobs across the country.

University of Southern California
Master of Health Admin

University of Southern California -- The Master of Healthcare Administration degree program from the University of Southern California features a curriculum that educates students in the management of health care systems. Courses include healthcare delivery, finance, ethical and legal issues in healthcare administration, and management.

George Washington University
MBA: Healthcare

George Washington University -- George Washington University is a respected leader in online education with hundreds of programs offered in its course catalog. The online programs can be completed at a pace that is comfortable to you and in an environment of your choosing, making these programs a flexible and convenient way to earn your Masters Degree. GWU offers an MBA in Healthcare through online courses.

Walden University
MPA: Health Policy

Walden University -- Walden University offers a wide variety of healthcare master's degrees, including the Master of Health Administration (MHA), Master of Public Health (MPH), and Master of Public Administration (MPA) in Health Policy. Students in these programs are instructed on the development of healthy individuals, organizations, and communities. The programs provide core study in the public health field, using a real-world teaching methodology.

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